Meringue Roses

Dubi Katz, Dov Katz, meringueroses_full1
Dubi Katz, Dov Katz, meringueroses_full2
blank2 photo: dubi-katz-dov-katz


(for about 35 cookies):

200g butter, at room temperature
150g sour cream
3 egg yolks
350g flour
5g baking powder
1 grated lemon shell
30g (2 tbsp) sugar

3 egg whites
Pinch of salt
200g (1 cup) sugar
80g Instant Vanilla Pudding


  1. In a mixer bowl with a guitar attachment, mix all dough ingredients on medium spped (3 minutes)
  2. Remove dough and plastic wrap
  3. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour
  4. In a mixer bowl whip the egg whites with salt and sugar for 5 minutes
  5. Add instant pudding and continue to whisk for another 2 minutes
  6. Divide the dough into two halves
  7. Rool each half into a thin rectangle and spread the filling
  8. Roll the dough and put in the freezer for one hour
  9. Remove from freezer and cut into 1 cm thick pieces
  10. Place each piece such that the meringue is facing up
  11. Bake in a preheated oven to 160 degrees celsius for about 20 minutes